Tamanna holds a number of roles, as an award winning campaigner, public speaker, media spokesperson, facilitator, host, trainer, writer, mentor, and freelancer. A TEDx & WeDay Wembley Arena speaker with over 15 years experience working in the youth, community, political sector who has represented many charities and organisations.
Areas she works on: Racism, Bullying, Islamophobia, Mental Health and Suicide, BAME issues, Domestic Violence, Voting, Transport, Education, Homelessness, Refugees and migrants, Finance and Debt, PR, Digital and social media, Youth people, Housing, Environment and much more.
Tamanna has been a charity trustee since the age of 18, starting with CXK (formerly Connexions Kent), followed by National Youth Agency, and was most recently Chair of trustees at NOMAD - charity thats for all, refugees and migrants.
Tamanna has worked with organisations to increase opportunities for youth leadership roles and diversity on boards that were previously under-represented such as those from faith, BAME, disability groups. Besides helping to develop youth advisory boards and youth trustee roles, she has encouraged more young people and organisations to progress onto the stage of youth trusteeship.
As well as being a Diana Award holder, she is The Janey Antoniou Award holder from charity Rethink Mental Illness and Young Upstander Award 2016 at the first National Hate Crime Awards.
Tamanna is keen to work with all young and old and bring together communities from all backgrounds to encourage community cohesion. She is keen to inspire the next generation and ensure upcoming boards (and society) is fully representative, diverse, inclusive and youth friendly.