Giving and Getting Back: My Experience of Trusteeship
Daniel Dipper, trustee at Potential Plus UK, shares what he's given and gained through trusteeship.
From Apprentice to Leader: Rishi Lad on Making Impact as a Young Leader
Rishi Lad, board director, reflects on his journey to becoming a young leader and making an impact.
Amplifying the future of The Young Trustees Movement - co-creating our new strategy
Read about how we want to work with you to create our future
Trustees' Week is Coming!
Join us in celebrating the power of intergenerational voices this Trustees' Week at one of our free events.
Pursuing joy as a trustee
Zainab Rao, trustee at Curve Theatre, shares her journey pursuing joy as a trustee.
Lessons: Recruiting an Intergenerational Board
Harry Twohig, trustee, shares what we learned from recruiting an intergenerational board - and what we could do differently next time.
Free Champion Training
Join a 1 hour training session to understand the power of young trustees, have a framework to understand how to approach board diversity and take practical next steps. New dates are added every month.
Join the Model Boardroom Series
Learn how to think like a trustee and engage with governance, all through exciting mock boardroom scenarios.