Free Champion Training
Join a 1 hour training session to understand the power of young trustees, have a framework to understand how to approach board diversity and take practical next steps. New dates are added every month.
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We asked our team to share their 2023 highlights with you, and what they are looking forward to next year.
Thank you for being part of the Young Trustees Movement this year! Read celebrations from the team and plans for the year ahead.
2023 has allowed me to reflect on our mission and strategy, and, as Training Manager, take the time to ensure our workshops and resources are meaningfully working towards creating the change we want to make. This process has been greatly assisted by a data and evaluation project we have been working on with the wonderful folks at Beyond Measure, helping us evaluate the impact of our current offers and the direction of where we go next.
Going forward, I can't wait to share our new offers that make learning about trusteeship more engaging, interactive and accessible. 2024 will see the launch of our 'Model Boardroom Series' that uses podcasting and workshops to teach governance in a gamified way, and to re-launch Board Boost, our 6 month hands-on training programme to support young trustees and their wider
Looking back on 2023 I’ve really enjoyed getting a more in-depth look at the impact and learning of the movement as we figure out what our funding needs will be in the next few years.
For 2024 I’m looking forward to seeing the increasing range of organisations that connect with YTM through the training and discussion sessions the team offer – whether it’s arts development or corporate businesses, understanding how to support inclusive boardrooms is being recognised as a game-changing skill.
In 2023 I enjoyed exploring how diverse young trustees are. From reading blogs on our website by young people to responding to emails from them sharing their experiences as a trustee, I learned young trustees come from all backgrounds and walks of life. The diversity of young trustees makes them a very powerful group.
Next year, I am looking forward to working with the new board of trustees. I supported their recruitment process and it was amazing to see how enthusiastic, qualified, and passionate our trustees are. I’m excited to see what kind of ideas they come up with to bring the movement forward.
I love being part of this movement. I've loved meeting the powerful young people who determine how this movement lives and breathes as well as the passionate allies that want to shake up governance for the better.
Next year I am looking forward to our movement getting to work in partnership with more organisations and creating more space for aspiring young trustees and current trustees to come together in community
This year I loved being part of Trustees Week and seeing so many young people, from all walks of life, share their trustee journeys and challenge the usual conversations around what makes a “good” trustee. It’s becoming harder and harder to write young people off as “inexperienced” and block them from leadership roles when it’s clear so many are doing so much good in the sector.
In 2024 I’m excited for this movement to create more spaces for young people to come together, connect, and share their experiences of trusteeship. Together we’ll disrupt outdated ideas about who should be in the boardroom and push for meaningful inclusion of young people.
We hope that's inspired you get involved! We’re looking forward to building this movement together in 2024.
Join a 1 hour training session to understand the power of young trustees, have a framework to understand how to approach board diversity and take practical next steps. New dates are added every month.
Learn how to think like a trustee and engage with governance, all through exciting mock boardroom scenarios.